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The FACT2 Campus Representatives is made up of up to two representatives from each SUNY campus, one from the teaching faculty and one from professional staff. Large or multiple location campuses have the option of additional members by petitioning the Council. The Council will grant additional representatives at its discretion.

Campus Representative appointments are made at the discretion of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO), in consultation with other campus leadership (e.g., CIO, VP’s, Library Directors, etc.).  A minimum of one Campus Representative from each campus is required in order to be eligible for SUNY Provost Innovative Instruction Technology Grant awards and/or FACT2 Awards. 

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View the Bylaws.

 Name Role Campus Campus Sector
Mrs. Renee WootenInstructional SupportErie Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Ms. Kristina MaricleInstructional SupportCortland, State University College atComprehensive Colleges
Dr. Laura ParmenterInstructional SupportJamestown Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Mr. Breton BienvenueInstructional SupportTompkins Cortland Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Crissa Holder SmithInstructional SupportMorrisville State CollegeTechnology Colleges
Dr. Katie GhidiuInstructional SupportMonroe Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Dr. Adele MerlinoInstructional SupportMaritime CollegeTechnology Colleges
Dr. Rochelle MozlinSelect RoleOptometry, College ofComprehensive Colleges
Dr. Deborah SpiroSelect RoleNassau Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Ms. Barbara FriedmanSelect RoleCornell UniversityDoctoral Degree Granting Institutions
 Name Role Campus Campus Sector