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 Name Role Campus Campus Sector
TBDFacultyCobleskill, College of Agriculture & Technology atTechnology Colleges
Mr. Ryan HershaFacultyCorning Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Dr. Frank WhittleFacultyDutchess Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Ms. Shannon ShoemakerFacultyDelhi, College of Technology atTechnology Colleges
Mr. Jim NeillFacultyDownstate Medical CenterDoctoral Degree Granting Institutions
Ms. Christine PaigeFacultyEmpire State CollegeComprehensive Colleges
Dr. Kathleen GradelFacultyFredonia, State University College atComprehensive Colleges
Mr. Martin WaffleFacultyFulton-Montgomery Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Ms. JoNelle TorisevaFacultyGenesee Community CollegeCommunity Colleges
Ms. Kelly KeeganFacultyGeneseo, State University College atComprehensive Colleges
 Name Role Campus Campus Sector